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Welcome to

THE NEXT Generation of E-Learning


Interactive Learning

Reading textbooks is boring.

Interactive learning links promote engagement through learning, playing, and evaluating on the same slide.


Process Report

The result of each student's learning process is reported to the instructor automatically by the system AI. If the student needs a helping hand, the  instructor will be able to provide detailed pin-pointed advice and support with surgical precision. 


User Friendly

Not everyone is a master at computers; however, this should not stop anyone from learning. As online education is growing, LWNexus courses are easy to use and  to manage.

The Growing Martket

As Ontario started the process of making online courses a requirement for the OSSD, the number of online schools tripled in 2 years. It is not too late for you to join the market. 

The Barrier

Designing online courses is not easy. It is equally difficult to hire teachers who are skilled at designing online courses. Online education is still in its infancy and introduction in Ontario! However, LWNexus is here to help!

How we can help

With LWNexus, setting up a new LMS is hassle-free. LWNexus does all of the setup and then provides full technical support. 


Semi-automatic animation-based lectures maximize the fun! They also form the basis of the reports regarding the progress and rate of the student learning process. 


Assessments are not limited to traditional tests. LWNexus courses help assess students on an on-going basis.

We Make It Fun!

Real Time Interaction

The instructor can meet with the student via the platform. No third-party license is required! All meetings can be recorded, creating a complete trail of evidence when it comes to inspection!


Paperwork? LWNexus will take care of it! Let your teacher focus on teaching!

LWNexus gives you a new binder every year! There is no need to stress out about inspections!

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